Meditation for children?
Reducing stress in children through meditation Children and adolescents encounter stress at home and at school—just…
Reducing stress in children through meditation Children and adolescents encounter stress at home and at school—just…
The benefits of TM for students are enormous: more energy, better sleep, greater clarity of mind, stronger immune system, resilience to stress, peace of mind … to mention just a few! In these special times, Maharishi Foundation, the charity behind Transcendental Meditation, have agreed to provide scholarships provided by well-wishers of this initiative. Find out more!
Will TM work for a 16 year old?
Article from Forbes magazine on the TM renaissance!
“myhotel”entrepreneur, Andy Thrasyvoulou, describes how Transcendental Meditation has helped him. I first heard about Transcendental…
“I spent thousands of pounds on therapy”
“After I did the first week of Transcendental Meditation where I did it twice a day, from that moment on I’ve never been that frazzled or that tired ever again”
Calm Mums make a happy home
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